MIM 3: Understanding "Deliberate Practice"
May 08, 2024
Some of you know that I for several years, I hosted a podcast called the Daniel Glass Show, which aired on the Drummers Resource network. I created more than 60 episodes, covering a variety of topics related to drumming, music history, and being a musician in general. I've decided to rebroadcast some of those episodes here, and will be creating some new once that delve into similar territory.
This episode, the first one I ever recorded, stands out as one of the most popular as well. In it, I explain the concept of "Deliberate Practice," how I developed it through studies with my teacher Freddie Gruber, and the ways in which it can simplify and clarify not only how we learn music, but any complex task.
You can check out the full list of episodes of the Daniel Glass show HERE.
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